New Moon in Capricorn ~ January 2, 2022

This is the first New Moon of the year making it an important one. The new moon occurs when the sun and the moon are at the same degree in the same sign ~ this aspect is called a conjunction.

The New Moon is a time to set intentions for the coming month or even the year (for bigger aspirations). The energy for this New Moon is to establish a plan to reach that goal, the really important one ~ the one that may take some dedicated time. Create a 12-month plan with ideas and details on how you will achieve it. Check in with the plan every Saturday, as this is Saturn's day and Saturn rules Capricorn. Make adjustments, give yourself some strokes for any accomplishment you have made toward this goal - even just for checking in on Saturday.

One step at a time will get you there. So please, make that list and take that first step. I'm here to support you in any way I can - Just reach out to