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Mercury Retrograde Coming - April 2023

Heads up, pencils down. Mercury Retrograde (MR) is fast approaching. It will occur from April 21 until May 14 and will take place in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign and is associated with the 2nd house in the natal wheel. This area of life is all about self-esteem, self-love, and our personal finances and possessions. What do we value? Where do we place our value? Presently, we are in the pre-retrograde shadow phase, which began April 7. The post-retrograde shadow ends on May 31. Remember that during the post-retrograde shadow period we get the chance to clean up any aftermath from the entire retrograde timeframe. It’s an opportunity for resolution so it’s best to plan well....

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The Winds of Change are Blowing

The winds of change are blowing. Several conversations I’ve recently shared in have touched upon the weather (most usually do) - specifically the strong winds. I live in the PNW, but many friends and family live scattered across the states and all have noted and mentioned the unbelievable winds. The weather is always a common topic and most conversations. I have noted this common these and have a feeling that it may in fact be due to the upcoming astrological changes - suggesting indeed that the winds of change are blowing. This is mundane but yet exciting because it suggests we are all in the same consciousness. Becoming aware of a simple commonality and sharing it through conversations. After approximately...

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New Moon in Capricorn ~ January 2, 2022

This is the first New Moon of the year making it an important one. The new moon occurs when the sun and the moon are at the same degree in the same sign ~ this aspect is called a conjunction. The New Moon is a time to set intentions for the coming month or even the year (for bigger aspirations). The energy for this New Moon is to establish a plan to reach that goal, the really important one ~ the one that may take some dedicated time. Create a 12-month plan with ideas and details on how you will achieve it. Check in with the plan every Saturday, as this is Saturn's day and Saturn rules Capricorn. Make adjustments,...

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